We are delighted to present the following longlisted titles for our 2023 Terry J. Cox Poetry Award. Thank you to all the fine poets who submitted this year, and our gratitude to Peter Schmitt, who is kindly undertaking the task of selecting a winning recipient this year.
Clownfish by Dana Roeser
Genesis: Elegy for a Farm by Bethany Reid
In the Story She Tells by Emily Lupita Plum Guclu
Somewhere/Nowhere/Here: Cartographies of Home by Priscilla Long
A Quiddity of Conundrums by Chris Kingsley
Heaven Underfoot by Diana Woodcock
The Lakes Have Been Coming Down from the Mountains for a Long Time by Cathy Arden
Dead Language by Jeanne Emmons
A Primer for Domestic Outlaws by Jen Karetnick
A Tune Both Familiar and Strange by Rafaella Del Bourgo
All Values Are Approximate, My Love by Jeremy Cantor
No Picnic by Brooke Harries
Exile in One-Bulb Nights by Alexandra Burack
Tectonics by Chris Dempsey
Shucking by Gayle Brandeis
The winner will be announced April 15, 2023.