Aaron Tillman was born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, a few months before the Susquehanna River flooded his family out of their home. He spent the first year of his life as an ornament on other people’s kitchen and coffee tables, gathering early impressions for his fiction. Since 2003, he has lived in Boston, and since 2019 he has worked at the University of Massachusetts Amherst where he is the Associate Director of the Writing Program. For the commute from Boston to Amherst, he consumes an incredible range of audio content and an unfortunate range of sweet and savory snacks—both forms of consumption have inspired his fiction.
He is the author of two short story collections, Consolation Miracles and Every Single Bone in My Brain, and a book of critical nonfiction, Magical American Jew. He received the Gival Press Short Story Award, the John Gardner Memorial Prize in Fiction, a Short Story Award for New Writers from Glimmer Train Stories, and his work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. His stories and essays have appeared in many different journals, and he has recorded his fiction for radio broadcast. He has a PhD from the University of Rhode Island and an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College. He can be found online at aarontillmanfiction.com
Regal House Publishing is proud to bring you Aaron Tillman’s novel Lucy Miles’ Photogenic Mind in 2026.