Diane Josefowicz is a writer, editor, historian, and passionate amateur tap dancer. L’Air du Temps (1985) grew out of a childhood spent among aficionados of big hair, big cars, and big dreams stuffed into random corners to keep out the wind. It is the first novella of a projected trilogy centering on the unsinkable Zinnia Zompa, a teenager with a mostly good heart and a rather foul temper, truly a heroine for our irascible times.
Diane is also the author of Ready, Set, Oh, a novel set against the upheavals of the Sixties, chronicling a star-crossed affair between a man who has just lost his draft deferment and the aspiring artist who is pregnant with his baby and falling in love with a UFO-chasing astronomer, forthcoming in 2022 from Flexible Press.
Diane’s fiction and nonfiction have appeared nationally and internationally, in print and online, in places like Conjunctions, Fence, The Saint Ann’s Review, Sou’Wester, Dame, and LA Review of Books, among others; and in the anthologies How Does That Make You Feel: True Confessions from Both Sides of the Therapy Couch, edited by Sherry Amatenstein (Seal Press, 2016); After Coetzee: An Anthology of Animal Fictions, edited by A. Marie Houser (Faunary Press, 2017); and Come Shining: Essays and Poems on Writing in a Dark Time, edited by Jill Elliot, Allison Towle Moore, and David Oates (Kelson Books, 2017). She is also co-author, with Jed Z. Buchwald, of two histories of Egyptology: The Zodiac of Paris (2010) and The Riddle of the Rosetta (2020), both published by Princeton University Press.
Diane taught writing for many years at Boston University and, before that, in the University Writing Program at Columbia University. She presently serves as reviews editor at Necessary Fiction and edits all things science- and technology-related at The Victorian Web. She holds an MFA in fiction from Columbia University, a PhD in the history of science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a BA from Brown University. She grew up outside Providence, Rhode Island, where she now lives with her family. She can be found on Twitter @dianegreco and, increasingly, at a local dance studio where she taps it out several nights a week, in pursuit of the perfect bombershay.
Regal House Publishing is proud to bring you Diane Josefowicz’s novella, L’Air du Temps, in the spring of 2024.