Born in Niagara Falls, Mark Jacobs spent fifteen years living and working in countries outside the United States. He was a Peace Corps volunteer in Paraguay, where he spent two years in Potrero Yapepó, a remote village in the south of the country. Paraguay continues to be a primary source of inspiration for his fiction. As a U.S. Foreign Service officer, he served in diplomatic outposts in Europe, Latin America, and also in Turkey, another continuing source of stories. Later, working for the State Department’s Office of Inspector General, he inspected American embassies in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Europe.
Mark and his wife Anne currently live in rural south-central Virginia at Heron Hill on 32 acres of what used to be a farm, where Mark writes full time. He has published more than 200 short stories in a range of magazines including The Hudson Review, The Atlantic, Playboy, The Baffler, The Iowa Review, and The Kenyon Review, along with many others. His work has won The Iowa Review Fiction Award, the Maria Thomas Award, the Dr. T.J. Eckleburg Review Kafka Award, and several others. Memory Falls is his seventh book.
Mark holds a doctorate from Drew University, a masters in international administration from the School for International Training, and a bachelors degree from Alma College. He speaks Spanish, Turkish, and Guaraní.
Regal House Publishing is proud to bring you Mark Jacob’s Memory Falls in the spring of 2027.