The House That Jaynie Built
Some say that if the book you wish to read has not been written, then you should write it yourself. I founded Regal House Publishing with a similar imperative: to create a publishing house by which I, an author, would be proud and thrilled to be represented; a partnership in which the publisher is equally invested in pre- and post-release marketing efforts, in which authors are supported in the digital marketing space, and in which the publisher functions as an active, long-term collaborator and resource, equally and fervently committed to the success of each of its authors. In short, a partnership in which the publisher is passionately dedicated to the furtherance of finely crafted literature and to the writers who pen them.
I founded Regal House Publishing in 2014 after years of navigating the torturous route of traditional publishing, arriving at the conclusion that publishing (generally speaking) did not have to be so unreceptive, unfriendly even, to the author. So I founded Regal House determined to do things differently. I wanted to establish a publishing house that served as a true partner to the writers under its roof, one that sought to empower and support its authors. I wanted to enable a full transparency to the publishing process – one that is often rendered opaque by those in the industry. Authors (and certainly this is true for myself) do not want to be isolated in their efforts; they want an alliance with a House, who is prepared to labor with similar love and devotion over their literary works, and the resources and support of an extended Regal Author Community.
It is high time that publishing houses invested deeply, significantly, and meaningfully in authors. This, then, is Regal House Publishing’s mandate. While I may be responsible for the foundations of Regal House, the structure is only as robust as the skills of those who assist in the construction. I am privileged to work with a tremendously talented Regal House Publishing editorial team and a number of gifted authors who have entrusted their works to our House. For any mason, however tireless and well-intentioned, cannot build a house alone and the strongest construction is the one that we all build together: publishers and authors alike.
Jaynie Royal is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Regal House Publishing