As one of the participating authors (and organizers), I am proud to present:
Chambres d’Amis Litteraire – Boulevard Rotterdam on Sunday 21 May, 2017, IETY café, 13.00 – 18.00 hrs
(In remembrance of Jan Hoet, curator in Ghent (1936-2014), who invented the concept.)
People need more art: without empathy and our imaginative faculties we are doomed to lose touch with our inexorable differences in the complex world of 2050. Says the Dutch Social and Cultural Planning Bureau.
CALL010 (010 being the Rotterdam area code) anticipates a future that’s artistic and grounded in physical space: In 2017, on May 21st, writers, musicians, and visual artists will perform in private homes now briefly open to the public, located in the Boulevard area.
During the afternoon, art aficionados push doorbells they never touched, enter, and then, after a welcome…a poet might take the floor, a saxophonist, or both. Half an hour has passed in the blink of an eye; then back on your feet again, moving on. Another doorbell. Different drinks, hosts, and artists, immersing you in a whole new universe. A singer-songwriter, a poet trying her hand at a short story, a visual artist, a fellow soul. Meet people you have never met before!
Poetry posters are on display behind various windows on ground floors.
A book (50 pages) will be for sale (at IETY café, the start & finish of the festival; price €10) containing authors’ texts, artist’s images, and a well-researched historical take on the Boulevard area––built in the 1900’s to keep industrial tycoons from moving out of town. Upon purchase, a Polaroid will be shot: you with your favourite author, stuck in the back of the book!
Pim Wiersinga and fellow novelist Bianca Boer will perform at Heemraadssingel 329, in the port of Rotterdam.
Wiersinga wrote several novels, including historical fiction. In 2017, he made his debut in English with a high profile ‘thriller-in-letters’, The Pavilion of Forgotten Concubines, set in late 18th century China.
Learn more at and
Congratulations Pim! It sounds like a tremendously exciting event – wish I could be there to celebrate it with you!
It truly was, Jaynie, thank you for posting it. And I am sure you would have enjoyed it mightily, despite the language barrier. Bianca and I hosted three groups in a row, consisting of 5, 20 and 7 people; we truly interacted in a homey setting. With a memorable afterparty to boot, during which I heard our contribution was well-appreciated. Soon, you’ll be able to witness snippets of the event on a video.
I can’t wait to see it!
It (video) has to be remade. We messed up in the cut & paste episode. Later…