Jeanette Horn was enamored of the written word at an early age and spent much of her childhood reading and making books. At eleven, she formally decided to become a writer, devoting herself to poetry several years later, when she learned from a William Carlos Williams documentary that it didn’t have to rhyme.
After receiving a BA in English from The University of Texas, where she won several Adele Steiner Burleson Awards for poetry and essay writing, Jeanette earned an MFA from The University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop. There, she was awarded a Maytag Fellowship and was a finalist for Poetry’s Ruth Lilly Poetry Fellowship. Her work has appeared in MARGIE, Poetry International, Stand, Washington Square, and other journals.
Jeanette resides in Austin, Texas, with her husband and dogs. Play, With Knives is her debut novel, and its lyrical style is evidence that poetry remains her first love. Learn more at jeanettehorn.com
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